Monday, July 23, 2007

Attitude of Gratitude

This is the most important skill to teach your employees.

Your attitude sets the stage for your life. By looking around you and finding the things for which you are grateful, a positive attitude will grow within you. That positive attitude will affect everything you do. If you are positive, those around you will be more positive. Your days will be more exciting and your prospects will be greater. It is all up to you.

To get ahead, you need to learn how to get along and help others.
Show that you are grateful for your job! Acknowledge the hard work you see in coworkers and customers. Recognize contributions to your team.

Show how much you appreciate others with simple hand written thank you notes, a genuine “thank you,” a hand shake or a phone call.

The attitude you bring to work each day sets the mood for your day. I recently sat in a business’ waiting room and heard one of the employees battle with herself with her attitude. She would make a negative comment and them cover it with a more positive comment. This went on for an hour. With a little training, she would recognize her attitude and be able to keep it checked.

This skill should be practiced and reviewed regularly to make it a habit, something that is an asset. It all begins with your attitude and being grateful.

Answer these questions And then have your employees answer them too.
1. What are you grateful for?

2. How do you show gratitude?

3. Who do you show gratitude toward?

4. What have you done recently to thank a customer for coming in?
5. What positive comments have you made towards a co-worker in the past 7 days? Past 30 days? Past 90 days?

Your answers will affect the effectiveness of your staff and all your marketing materials!

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