Monday, December 31, 2007

Hire Brighter!

Are you hiring the brightest people you can find? Or are you worried that they will replace you and don't hire them? Successful leaders don't let their fears stop them! They are brave, optimistic and full of positive beliefs. They know what David Ogilvy knew and hired the best.

*Each of the 217 times David Ogilvy opened a new office for Ogilvy & Mather he’d leave a set of Russian nesting dolls on the desk of the incoming manager. When the manager removed the top half from the largest of these bowling pin-shaped dolls, he or she would find a slightly smaller doll inside. This would continue until the manager came to the tiniest doll and retrieved from its interior what looked to be the note from a fortune cookie: “If each of us hires people smaller than ourselves, we shall become a company of midgets. But if each of us hires people bigger than ourselves, we shall become a company of giants." — David Ogilvy.

Better advice could not be written. This shows vision and strength of character and will help you grow like no other thing you can do. Good luck this year.

*Found on
The Monday Morning Memo for Nov. 5, 2007 - Ronald, Bill and You

1 comment:

Pappy Yokum said...

I really like that quote from Ogilvy. So many great leaders have proven this to be so true. Great advice for any business person.