Monday, February 26, 2007

Hierarchy of Recognition

The effectiveness of graphic design is easily seen when you recognize the power that the hierarchy of recognition and icons have on the buying decisions of your customers. Following describes the hierarchy or recognition and defines each of the elements of it.

Hierarchy of Recognition

The human mind recognizes items in distinct patterns and order. Failing to know and utilize them will diminish your ability to sell your products and services. Ignoring the hierarchy will dramatically decrease your pieces productiveness.

In a crowded market place it is vital to own a color, a shape, a number and a word! The first item of recognition is color. The second item of recognition is shape. The third item of recognition is numbers. And the last item the mind recognizes is words. Use color, shape and numbers to intrigue the mind before you use words.

Read more about the five key factors of the hierarchy of recognition.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eika Martinez, The way you see the product can influence your shopping expireace. When i shp for something I look at it first, If it is appealing I buy it. I dont look at the price first I look to see if I like it then I make a decision.