"Like it or not, the secret to good toast is lots of butter. Likewise, the secret to a successful business is lots of customer service training."
Everyone says how important they think customer service training is to their business. But my experience shows me that this is usually lip service when it comes to actually training employees.
Whenever I ask business owners about their customer service training they usually tell me that they do it when they first hire new employees and they need to do more and assure me that they will.... I sure hope they do, for their sakes.
Cast in point, I have never worked for a company that gave me customer service training or any training for that matter. They have always relied on the training from my previous place of employment.
How many employees are in this same situation? How much goes unsaid and unlearned because this is so? I highly recommend either creating or finding customer service and employee training classes for your staff immediately.
There are many, who are your competitors, who do provide some sort of training... But, luckily for you, most do not actively teach customer service training. Now is your opportunity to stand apart from your competitors!
Reading List
• Moments of Truth - by Jan Carlzon
• Customer Service A Practical Approach - by Elaine K. Harris
• Raving Fans - by Kenneth Blanchard
• The Customer-Driven Company - by Richard Whiteley
• Permission Marketing - by Seth Godin
• The Purple Cow - by Seth Godin
• Unlease the Idea Virus - by Seth Godin
• Free Prize Inside - by Seth Godin
• All Marketers Are Liars - by Seth Godin
• Uncommon Practices: People Who Deliver a Great Brand Experience - Interbrand & fourm
• Acres of Diamonds - by Russell Conwell
• Great Customer Service: The Best Way To Avoid A Discounted Sale - by Daniel C. Felsted
• By The Seat of Your Pants - by Tom Gegax
Monday, February 26, 2007
Customer Service Your Secret Weapon!
Posted by
The Internet Dark Ages
3:06 PM
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Lip service is right. I have yet to work for any company that truly focuses on customer service training. they train in many other ways but not in customer service. They all talk it up and even say they have great customer service but not one has followed that up with any meaningful training.
On your book list, you may want to add "Primal Leadership" by Daniel Goleman et al.
I agree, most of the jobs that i've had after my very first one, have never gave me any CS training. The companies i currently work for are lucky that my first job gave me excellent CS skills. Most companies think everyone knows customer service, but everyone doesn't. If a company doesn't really train much in CS, they might not do as well as a competitor who offers top end customer service to there customers. Excellent customer service will bring back customers and create new ones. Vic
Matt Spence
Customer Service is so key to making or breaking a business. Just think if you were a salesman with excellent customer service skills how much easier it would be to make the sale. What I mean by this is as a salesman or one giving customer service you must really learn how to read people and there different types of personalities. By doing this you will learn how to better communicate with each individual you come in contact with. You will have a better customer service experience.
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