Friday, July 14, 2006

How To Make An Impact On Your Business!

The person with these skills will make an impact on your business. They will help you and your customers. Remember if you are hiring young people, they may have some of these skills but they will be in development. You will need to mentor them to focus their passions and skills to work the way you need them to, for now and into their future. You can do it. They need you to be a mentor every bit as much as you need them as an employee, and so do your customers.

The person who possesses these seven skills knows how to make change happen. By the way we educate people in our public school system though, they most likely don’t know that they have these skill. They have been squelched or even negated. But know this, these are the skills you need in your employees. These and only these are the skills needed to make thing happen. These are the skills of leadership. Without these skills you may get someone who will come to work because they need the money but you won’t get someone who will go out of their way for you or your customers. You need employees that will “run through walls for you.”1

I’m sure that you can imagine what you can accomplish if you have employees that will “run through walls for you,” especially if you have or have had warm bodies working for you.

1 Tom Gegax

Take from the Special Report #4 How to Get Someone Qualified! Found at The Image Foundry

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